How Dreambigpool Works
1. Register and log in.
Register and log in.
Being part of Dreambigpool is very easy, just complete a brief registration on our platform providing some data so that you can purchase pool shares quickly and safely. Registration is free, you only pay for the shares of the pools you intend to participate in.
Get started now and click on the account link at the top of the website and follow the instructions.
2. Choose one or more pool drawing.
Choose one or more pool drawing.
Within the Dreambigpool platform we run pools for different lotteries and each pool may have a specific number of shares available for purchase. You can buy as many shares as you want from the same pool or even from several pools and process everything in the same shopping cart
3. Choose the form of payment.
When processing your purchase, we offer several payment methods: Venmo, Zelle, PIX (Brasil). The amount paid will be processed within 1 hour.
Once the purchases of the pool shares are made and recognized in our system, you will only need to wait for the draw date and wish hard!
4. Drawing results.
The group administrator takes photos of the tickets and posts them to the group. You can check the official drawing to see if you're winner at, Usually the results drawing are held nights at 10:59 pm Eastern Time.
Ours system will check the numbers, distribution and prizes the next day morning.
So, if everything goes well, you will be able to withdraw your prize through the user's wallet or invest again in new pools.
Now Let's hope to WIN!
5. What we do with smaller prizes?
We will buy more tickets for the next lottery drawing.
6. Now Let's hope to WIN!.
The tickets remained in my possession for 1 month, in case anyone wants to check them in my office at Brickell. Miami - Florida.